When To Stop Using A Baby Swing: Everything You Need To Know

When To Stop Using A Baby Swing: Everything You Need To Know

The history of the baby swing can be dated back to 1765 when it first appeared in the book Mother Goose's Melody. As one of those beneficial inventions, the baby swing is the must-item, and many parents plan to prepare for the coming baby that will love to be entertained. They can be a super comfortable place for babies to enjoy their moments in the baby stage and when parents are too busy to hold their newborn. But when is the best time you should stop using a baby swing to take a quick break when you feel completely exhausted?

Many first-time parents may spend hours pondering this question, but ultimately the decision comes down to you. However, the answer is that it depends. Like so much of parenting, there is no specific age on exactly when you should stop using a baby swing, so all of your decisions will depend on the ability and personality of your baby. 

Here is the consensus you need to pay attention to when it comes to at what age you should stop using a baby swing. 

When to retire a baby swing?

As mentioned above, there is no set age limit for infant swings, but it does not mean we can use swings as a “lazy mom tool” all the time. Once your baby reaches a certain weight according to the official instructions, you must stop the baby from suffering any risk of injury.

If you supervise your child grow closer, you may find your baby can hold his head up without assistance and try to climb out of the swing. For the sake of safety, it is time to stop using a baby swing when there are signs that a baby becomes more active and attempts to explore the new world.

The weight limits of the baby swings

In general, baby swings can be used from birth until your baby reaches a certain weight limit, usually about 25 to 35 pounds.

The best months to stop using a baby swing

As the natural law of growth, most children will outgrow by 9 to 10 months. Though your child hasn't grown beyond toddlerhood, he may be curious about the environment and turn the body to express their interest. So it would be better to stop using the baby swing before your child is nine or ten months old.

When babies don't like swings

The swing is handy for most parents because it helps ease a baby’s frequent disruptions. However, there are those babies that hate being in the swing or won't fall asleep when in the new rocking position. After trying a lot of things you still can't get your child to like it, then you have to give up. 

When do babies outgrow swings?

If infants can hold their heads up on their own

As time goes by, you'll find that your baby grows from a seemingly fragile newborn to an independent toddler and you'll be surprised at all the physical changes along the way, such as your baby can hold her head without your support. Most babies are likely to hold their heads and chests up as they lean on their elbows while lying on the baby swing at the age of 4 months.

However, keep in mind that every baby grows at a different rate, so continuously monitor the changes in your little one.

If babies can sit up or try to walk by themselves

  • Most babies start rolling over as early as 4 months old and they'll rock themselves back and forth. At around 6 months your baby should be able to roll over each side.
  • After months of reclining and tummy time, your baby might be ready for a change of scenery. Generally speaking, a baby begins to sit with a little help at 6 months, but it varies from individual to individual. At 9 months, a baby can sit well without parents' help.
  • From 1 to 3 years are the stage of a toddler- Some children can walk at the age of 9 months, but most children can take their first steps after their birthdays. When those early cruisers make their first attempts to stand, it might mean that they'll learn to walk soon.

How long should a baby be in a swing?

There is no doubt that a nice swing can give parents' arms much-needed help, which is excellent! Indeed, baby swings can be a fantastic spot for your baby if they can be used properly.

However, if the newborn is been kept in the same position for a long time may cause serious problems, such as flat heads.

According to Heidi Murkoff, the author of “What to Expect the First Year,” parents should limit the amount of waking time that their baby spends in a baby swing, to no more than 30 minutes every single time and two times per day to build babies' core strength.

Final thought

As you look through the whole passage, you should know when a baby has outgrown a baby swing, and it's important to make sure that your little one can't roll over or crawl out of the swing. The biggest concern about baby swings is the safety problem, one way around this problem is to buy a swing with a safety belt, like LAREX.

Therefore, the perfect time to stop using baby swings is before 9-12 months. This is when they are ready to have an adventure. While feeling surprised by their growth, The health and safety of the child always come first.

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